Research Projects
Systems/Software/Technology/App Developed
●Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of a Two Wheeler Engine for TVS Motors Company, Hosur capable
of classifying the engine into Good and Faulty Class and also predicting the possible type of fault in an
engine.(Users: TVS Motor Co. Hosur)
●General Purpose Neural Network Software BIKAS for BARC @ IIT Kanpur: consists of all the Advanced Neural
Networks Algorithms from Supervised to Unsupervised domain.(Users: BARC, ISRO, SAIL, IOCL and EIL)
●ANN Software for ISRO- Inertial System Unit, Thiruvananthapuram @ IIT Kanpur: capable of stability testing of
Gyroscope and Accelerometer Sensors at ground level testing and after Takeoff. (Users: ISRO)
●Blind Source Separation Software: based on the cocktail party problem and capable of segregating the audio,
vibrations, image and other signals from the noise and other unwanted signals. (Users: NBRC, NCRB, CBI)
●Trespasser Detection from signature of buried single mode Fibre optic sensor cable: Capable of detecting
humans and sets of animals. (Users: Panna National Park, M. P.)
●Speaking Geo-GP Assistant Android App: Voice assisted Gram Panchayat/Village Resource Optimization and
Planning Android App based on GIS data (Users: ISRO HQ)
Research Grants/Successfully Completed Projects/Ongoing
●Principal Investigator, “Social Awareness for Covid-19 Through AI Based Mobile App”, NCSTC, Dept. of Science &
Technology, Govt. of India, Feb. 17, 2021 – Mar. 31, 2022, Grant: 15.77 Lakhs (Ongoing)
●Co-Principal Investigator, “Emotion Recognition for Creating a Homeostatic balance between Human and Robot in
a Cobotics Framework”, Technology Innovation Hub for Cobotics (i.e., Collaborative Robotics) [A Section-8
Company: I-Hub Foundation for Cobotics (IHFC)], IIT Delhi, approved by the National Mission on Interdisciplinary
Cyber Physical Systems (NM-ICPS), DST, Govt. of India, Dec. 2020-June 2023, Grant: 118.00 Lakhs [PI- Prof. G.
C. Nandi] (Ongoing)
●Principal Investigator, “Speaking Geo-GP Assistant”, RESPOND, Indian Space Research Organization,
Department of Space, Govt. of India, March. 01, 2019 – August 31, 2019, Grant: 03.00 Lakhs
●Principal Investigator, “Classified Signal Project”, Pragmalytics Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Kerala, Aug. 04.2019 – June.
30, 2021. Initial Grant: 10.00 Lakhs + High End Hardware
●Co-Investigator, “Wireless Sensor Networks for Protecting Wildlife and Humans”, DIT, India & NSF USA, Oct. 01,
2011 - Sept. 30, 2015, IIITA Budget: Grant: 162.00 Lakhs (Indian budget) + $300000 for US partners from NSF
●Member, “Micro and Nano-Electronic Devices and Technologies for Environmental Monitoring (Special emphasis on
Wildlife protection/Tiger Protection),” Indo Swiss Joint Research Programme, 2010 – 2012, Grant: 144.00 Lakhs
●Co-Investigator, “Development of neuron like detection filters/ image identification”, DST- FRBR, Nov. 24, 2009-
Nov. 23, 2011, Grant: 28.84 Lakhs
●Member, “Establishing a center for generating high quality reengineered E contents for students, mentors and
Teachers”, Ministry of Human Resource & Development, Govt. of India, Sept. 01, 2009 – Aug. 31, 2010, Grant:
150.00 Lakhs
●Principal Investigator. “Quality assurance, condition monitoring and fault diagnosis using intelligent control
methodologies”, Core – Group on Automotive Research (C.A.R.), Technology Information, Forecasting &
Assessment Council (TIFAC), Department of Science & Technology , Govt. of India, Sept. 28, 2007 – August 31,
2009, Grant: 156.6 Lakhs (Technology Transferred to TVS Motors Co. Hosur)
International Consultancy Project
●Member, “Course curriculum development in IT and allied areas for New University Setup”, Putera Sampoerna
Foundation, Jakarta, Feb. 01, 2012 – May 15, 2012, 50.00 Lakhs
MHRD NME- ICT Mission Project
●Regional Coordinator, LCAD (Aakash Tablet) testing and study of penetration of ICT in Rural & Urban Students of
UP, sponsored by IIT Rajasthan, under NME- ICT, MHRD, June - Oct. 2011